Friday, August 11, 2006

I've figured out how to post some pictures - we only have 3 computers main working one doesn't recognise the cable connection from the camera all of a sudden...oy...gotta get Ramsey the computer genious on this one!

My sister, Meg, and her partner of 14 years, Clay, got married this past weekend on 8/5. We lashed pontoon boats together, we ALL took the plunge to celebrate! I wove 2 shawls from our brother Gus and his partner, Bruce's Shetland sheep's yarn. Blended with 5% silk, it has incredible sheen and drape and the colors - a rust and gold, are almost irridescent in their interaction. Gus & Bruce have a magnificent farm in central Massachusetts: Swift River Farm ( Gus performed the ceremony and of course, this being in California, the weather was perfect. Oh - I did encounter about 2 mosquitoes =0)

This is my last floor loom, or low warp, weaving project. From now on my weaving is cut pile combined with tapestry. So the loom is going away, making space. Hopefully a good thing, but not necessarily. I've found that Nature Abhors a Vacuum. So does any household I've ever lived in....

1 comment:

Sharon said...

The shawl is all the more precious for being the last one. Wonder what will be in the next chapter...