My friend Sharon,and her DH Ian are having an open house today! I was so excited because this is the first Saturday since Christmas and one vacation, that I've had off from work. So many friends will be there, plus 1 dog who needed rescuing that Sharon and Ian took in, and I haven't seen him since. I loaded up my truck with the spinning wheel that needs major dusting off, fiber from 15 yrs ago that I am determined to spin and knit up (although I REALLY need to get spinning something that will be used in cut-pile weaving to be shown off at SOAR - and this could be this fiber's destination. Sometimes we don't know until we actually spin it up where it will land).
Sharon & Ian came by my shop yesterday and were so happy I'd actually be able to join up with them and mutual friends. Then - SABOTAGE! I worked for about an hour this morning (between working at home and at the yarn store, never mind the travel in between), then stopped by the ranch to give our horse a bucket of grain and to check up on her. She's an old gray mare, and in this part of the world, gray horses are very suseptable to melanomas. She's got lumps and bumps and is about 20 yrs old. We've recently noticed a growth in her ear. Gross to look at, but more importantly, irritating to her. Vet is coming next week and I am anxious about what treatment to follow - major surgery is not a possibility because of age. Minor - yes, if it gives relief, but for how long will she have relief and at what cost? Sadly, these are factors....
Back home and catching up on cleaning and organizing. I've been hugely stressed lately with tons of work at the yarn store (hundreds of orders online which is a GOOD thing, right?) But short-handed and too many hours put in already this past week. So trying to throw things together for the outing at Sharon/Ian's - stop to get gas and the final blow: I've locked my keys in the truck, as well as my cell phone. Fortunately, not my wallet, which has the AAA card. Call Mike - he tells me where the hide-a-key is, but I can't find it. Never put back after the last brain fart, apparently. Call AAA, and they tell me 30 minutes to 2 hrs, even after I've told them I'm blocking a business (gas pump at 7-11) Call our daughter Amanda from the pay phone. Leave a message. Thank goodness the tow truck guy shows up in about 15 minutes. I'm in the truck in 30 seconds or less, give the guy a tip towards a Big Gulp as he says he's really thirsty, and call Mike & Amanda (who never got the msg) to tell them I'm ok. But not on my way. I'm crying at this point - I'm angry at Mike, AAA, and myself. Who is to blame? Me, of course. Stressed out, I sabotage myself and human nature being what it is, want to blame the rest of the world. By now the Open House is winding down (will be 45 minutes to get there, by which time it's over, for the most part).
So - disappointing. I stopped by the market to pick up stuff for the dinner I'd hoped would be provided at the O.H. Ian is a master bbq-er, so far as I know, and the thought of meeting up with that darned dog, plus the other folk I haven't seen in forever...well, more whining won't get me anywhere! But comfort food! Poor Amanda has been valient in shipping orders from the shop - she feels good in the morning, but I think she's got a mild virus/flu going and fever at night. What comfort food for the 2 of us tonight (Mike is going to the UNR football game....yawn....and HE is the major cooker guy around here)? I am no fan of breakfast, unless it is for dinner, so waffles and maple syrup and sausage....YUM!
My apologies, Sharon, Ian, Amy, Linda, Lucky (aka Eddie)....