Thursday, April 19, 2007

As rightly pointed out, I've been very remiss in my posts! Sometimes life just takes you down a different road for a while, and I've been DOING but not WRITING.

All is well in the garden (oh, except for the freezing temperatures and snow yesterday & today). I always seem to do my fall clean-up in the spring, and this year has been no exception. Lots of leaf litter with some very nice composted material underneath. This year I am planning on building a frame for a compost heap. Living in the desert, I'll have to keep it watered, but my first concern is location, location, location!

Got together with friends a few weeks ago and we dyed up a storm! It was great to see everyone's techniques (or lack thereof). Here is some of my handspun Shetland yarn that came out great. I found myself mostly focusing on shades of purple, olive and brown. Once I got a "theme" going, it was hard to consider any other colors.

Finally, a good-bye to our awesome horse, D'Arcy.
Spring, 1987 - April 13, 2007


Sharon said...

D'Arcy, long time run - may she have a lovely romp in the time that she's in.
Nice colors - I should have paid more attention to you, like I ever stop long enough to pay any kind of attention. I'll do that next time - or sometime soon~

Allison said...

I'm hoping she can meet up with Barbaro. She was always a sucker for a handsome guy!

Purple Fuzzy Mittens said...

Good to see you back in the blog world! And what a lovely picture of D'Arcy! Take care.